The Future Of Website Conversions Is Nudge Marketing


At ConversioWidgets, we’re changing the way businesses generate leads and customers, on their website. We’re leveraging the idea of “nudge marketing” by displaying intelligent notification to website visitors which nudge them into action. These notifications tap into three powerful principles of consumer psychology: scarcity, urgency and the feat of missing out (FOMO).

We’re extremely passionate about helping businesses grow through improving their website conversions and educating people on the concept of nudge marketing.

Our software, training and community is something we’re proud of and we’re excited at the journey that lies ahead.

Our Story


Our office is in the centre of Manchester, United Kingdom (famous for it’s two Premier League football teams and it’s endless rain!). Our co-founders have a combined 40+ years of experience in digital marketing.

We own multiple website properties and after extensive analysis of our data over many years, we built our widget software tool for private use. We used it to grow our sales on ClickBank - one of the biggest online retailers.

Once we were satisfied with our results we decided to bring our software to market. ConversioWidgets is our new baby and we’re passionate about helping businesses of all sizes use it to it’s full potential.